About the PRC

The Portal Research Center (PRC) is a platform, a portal, for artistic, scientific and magical research.

PRC was established with the aim to create a special portal mechanism to start realizing new ideas and reflect old ones across the world. In 2018, the PRC began collaborating with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

PRC was founded in 2016, in California, by the visionary, inventor, and big thinker, professor Faro Wolkatin. The PRC is leading in new groundbreaking science, and conducts different experiments all over the world, aiming to bridge the gap between science, art, and magic.

Creativity knows no borders, the PRC aims to coordinate groups and individual researchers across the globe. All research, projects and innovations are now as a scientific, artistic and a development supporting platform, or portal, for all kinds of researchers, or individuals with interests, or that have not yet formulated their own vision, which enables the development and placement of projects to the public mind.

PRC institute has concluded a complete system for internal development of each idea, both in its entirety as well as in its ultimate perfection. With our own created network tool we can produce the most demanding visions. We have also established our own team of agents.

The PRC aims to explore and explain Science, Art, Technology, Language and Magic, and its impact on our society and human beings.

Basic Concepts

The human body is not symmetrical. The neurological, respiratory, circulatory, muscular and vision systems are not the same on the left side of the body as they are on the right, and vice versa. They have different responsibilities, function, position and demands on them. This system asymmetry is a good thing and an amazing design. The human body is balanced through the integration of system imbalances. The torso, for example, is balanced with a liver on the right and a heart on the left. Extremity dominance is balanced through reciprocal function; i.e. left arm moves with right leg and vice versa. Our human body, a small ekosystem, a small world, reflects our big world. Differences in people, ideas are important to create balance. However, there has been a long tradition, especially in science, aiming to describe, or create a symmetrical world, a world that could be described through precise language, mathematics, and models, and a nature that can be ordered and cultivated. A world that includes some people and ideas, and frame others as false. This aim to create symmetry, is in reality creating unbalance.

The PRC recognizes these imbalances and typical patterns associated with system disuse or weakness that develops because of dominant overuse. We believe each story is important, and that stories are all that we are, and as well as we are creating them they are as well creating our world. Thereby they can be both dangerous and powerful tools. We believe it is important, even vital, to conduct research, to reflect and have a discussion on our research, and the truths and facts we are creating in the world. Our goal is to connect different ideas, discourses, beliefs, cultures without harming the autenticity, but to create portals between different worlds and realities.

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